
Quilt Giveaway


Entries are now closed! So Sorry! Check back in the future for more giveaways. Please feel free to check out the entries below. Information on how to get a pattern is included.

I am giving away a quilt! Actual this quilt! I have been wanting to do this ever since I saw a quilt giveaway on Old Red Barn Co. I was so amazed with the generosity of Dana, and it just looked like so much fun! 

So I am able to bring you my first Quilt giveaway. I hope that this is the first of many! I am especially excited about doing this because the pattern I used is mine! My very own! It's so exciting to be sharing it with all of you! The pattern is a Lizzy Anne original, and is titled "spring up" 
This is my sample quilt. Done in fall colours, however my Version going to Houston Quilt market will be in an entirely different scheme. It looks great in both... and pics will come of that.

This quilt is a raw edge applique quilt. Which you can see in this pics above, means that the edges are all freyed and soft and cozy! It's already been washed twice, so it's ready to be loved!
This is a good sized quilt! It measures 70 x 100 a generous twin. or perfect for two to curl up in!

The quilting was done by a very talented lady Cathy Keevill of Black Bear Quilting and Pine Freckle Forest. See the post below for details on Cathy and her talent!

And because I know that only one person can win the quilt. Kinda sad for the rest of you. I will have a second and third place prize! I will be giving away the next best thing to a quilt for these two lucky runner ups! Their prize will be a copy of my pattern! to make their very own, or have made as the case may be!

The pattern has been tweeked a bit since I made this quilt... but only for the better. So you'll get to enjoy the very best version!
How do you enter you ask? Well all you have to do it leave a comment on this post! Easy peasy right? now that only earns you one entry. How do you get more you ask?  I will give 5 additional entries for posting about the giveaway on your own blog. I will also give another 5 entries for posting the banner below in your sidebar.

Copy & paste the code from the box below:

The contest entries will go until 7pm MST on Friday Oct 17th.
I'll tally up the entries and let the random # generator thingy decide who the winners are. So no bias' can be made.

I am sooo excited about this i can hardly contain myself! You would seriously think that this is the most excting thing I have ever done if you heard me talking about it! Who am i kidding, i am a total dork and I think that this is so cool! Well here it goes! I can't wait to see who wins! 

International entries permitted. We Canadians like everyone! 

P.S. If your comment doesn't show up right away, rest assured I did get it! I moderate my comments and so I am trying to check every couple of hours, but there are just so many of you!!! This is getting to be alot of work.... don't get me wrong, I am loving every second of it! I am also trying to get by everyones blogs to check you out and see what's out there and make sure everyone gets their entries! Thank you everyone for the response! I can't wait to see who wins!


1 – 200 of 2225   Newer›   Newest»
Ashley Dawn said...

Wow, I LOVE that quilt....it's gorgeous. I'm first to comment....I think that's worth two tickets...jk. Way to go with the quilting though...it's paid off.

The Pratts said...

Your quilt is beautiful (not that I would expect anything less)! And I can't believe you'd go to all that work to GIVE it away!! I'd be happy to take it off your hands. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the rustic quality of your quilt! Colour scheme and pattern. Good job Liz, i hope it ends up wrapped around me :)

Anonymous said...

Wow Liz, you are surely one very talented girl. Love the pattern, love the colours and hey would just love to see it in my house so I could brag you up even more than I do now.

Donna said...

Its beautiful, Liz. I think it would fit wondferfully in my home! And I am going to try to attach it to my blog, but I am not very good at that, so wish me luck

Daria - Boutique Cafe said...

Liz I'm so insanely proud of you!! This quilt is incredible and I can't wait to see the Andalucia version at Market too. You are awesome my sister!!



I've shared this all over Boutique Cafe, my personal blog, my BC blog, and on Twitter! I hope you get tons and tons of entries.

Brandie said...

It's beautiful and the flowers are so fun. I will be crossing my fingers and toes that my name is picked;)

Donna said...

Yes!! Ashley helped me, and I have managed to put a link on my blog. kippdonnacraig.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Aww! I can't believe I am 6th on the list and not in town to see the original ! It looks WONDERFUL,
Liz! Can't wait to try making the pattern, but in the meantime, the extra entries might just make it worthwhile to start a blog....
Love & Miss You! So proud of you, too! You are one amazing woman!

Ranisa said...

WHEW! I figured it out.....got the link on the sidebar, and it is in the blog! Love it.....the flower things over the top are my fav. Congrats!!! I will so have to get the pattern....only I am not sure how to that? Fill me....buy it from a fabric store? How does this all work!?

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! How talented you are, what a fantastic quilt in colors I never would have thought to put together. It is so generous of you to offer it up to one of us.
Good luck at market with the pattern, I'm sure it will sell very well.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful quilt. I can't believe how generous you are to give such a fabulous item away. I posted about the giveaway on our blog, "freshly baked." You can view the post here: http://georgietees.blogspot.com/2008/10/win-gorgeous-lizzy-anne-quilt.html. We also have the banner ad about the giveaway posted on the right-hand side of our blog. Wishing the best of luck to everyone (and keeping my own fingers crossed).

Anonymous said...

Liz this is a beautiful quilt. I love your talent and enthusiasm in everything that you do. Keep up the great work...I can't wait to see some of your other creations. Even if I don't win this quilt, I would love to purchase a pattern for it from you.

Jen said...

Absolutely gorgeous! You are a very talented quilter are you sure you really want to give it away?!! I'll be sure to post it on my blog!

Donna said...

OK, so I am too hard core...I figured out how to add your icon to my blog also!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt, hope I win...I have posted on my blog, and also put a wiget in the sidebar...does that mean I get 11 entries???

Doodlebugzmom said...

Oooooooooo....it's just beautiful. So playful and unique. I saw a sneak peek of the one going to Quilt Market and I know how excited Patty is about it. Hope I win...oh, and I added a link on the sidebar of my blog. Hope you get lots of entries:)


Anonymous said...

Super cute quilt! Wow
hoganfe handmade
handbag originals

Patty Young said...

Liz, I can barely contain my excitement! This is so cool!! I can't wait to see it in Andalucia although I also love the "Fall-ish" version. I promise to blog sometime this weekend and send people your way! Great job!!


amelia said...

I love that quilt, so beautiful!!!!

Jess said...

What a gorgeous quilt! That would be great to stay warm in after a long day doing habitat restoration work.


Stephanie M Larsen said...

21 entries already, that cracks me up. How fun Liz! I love the name of your quilt! It's darling and even better in person.

Becka. said...

Oh! Me! Me!

If there's one thing (actually, there are lots) that I have ZERO talent in, it's sewing. This might possibly be the only hand sewen thing in my entire house if I win....!


Becka. said...

Oh, and I posted about it AND put the picture on my sidebar. Congrats, on the baby, by the way! I just ready back through your last few posts. You're NUTS, girl!!!

Cindy Anderton said...

Enter me in!!

Monkey Doodle Designs said...

wow... I can't believe you're giving away a whole quilt! I can't even imagine how mnay hours of labor and love went into that. It is simply gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Amazing work. I'm totally impressed that you can create that image and work backwards to a pattern. I could use this quilt on my many long plane flights lately. I'm sure that would attract some business. Can you sew on a little pocket that holds business cards so people won't wake me up?

Anonymous said...

This is indeed a beautiful quilt and some lucky person will treasure it I am sure. Are you aware of the Quilt project done to support those with breast cancer.. they actually even have an auction in Calgary each year. You could to to
to learn all about it. It would be so nice to see your next quilt in that event next year. You are so generous already.

Jodi Renshaw said...

Oh my gosh, it would be heaven to win this quilt. Absolute heaven.

Thank you,
Jodi Renshaw

Jodi Renshaw said...

I placed your giveaway banner on my blog sidebar: www.thishandmadelife.blogspot.com

Thanks for the extra entries!

~ Jrenshaw@hotmail.com

Alanna said...

Liz, that's beautiful! Really gorgeous...you're soooo talented! Give me 6 entries cuz I'll put it on my blog!

Alanna said...

PS I have a friend that reads your blog, because I pointed out to her all your talent...she says she's pretty much in love with you...I think my advertising is worth an extra entry!

Elizabeth Cranmer said...

I am so thrilled to bits that everyone likes the quilt! i wish you all the best luck! I see that many are trying to earn extra entries with flattery, although i am, flattered that is. i must be fair and stick to the rules!

This is so fun!!

mumovearls said...

Ok Done Done And Done! That's worth 25 points.... I am so excited for you! This is Huge!!! Sent you a box thurs. so watch for it! Proud to be your friend... (Wait our parents went to school together isn't that worth 5 points???? Just joking!) Love the Quilt If I don't win it I'm going to pay you to make one!-nena

mumovearls said...

Ok Technically I'm Canadian also, remember born and raised in ALBERTA!
I just married an American-Nena

yes I saw the International entry accepted! HA! HA! love it!

Samantha said...

I would love to win this quilt!

Dorienne said...

That is such a beautiful quilt. The giveaway sounds exciting! Don't forget about those extra bonus entries for those who posted on your name quest!! (not mentioning names!!)Seriously, it's super cute. I'll post it on my blog.

Carolyn said...

Oh I love, love, love that quilt! It is fantastic. I do hope I win!!

Krista said...

Me! Pick me!
If you send international, I'm all about it ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm Alanna's friend who is in love with you! Ha! But I do think you're a really cool gal and I've never even met you. I want an entry and I will post on by blog as well. Thanks for sharing! Lisa

Mandi said...

HOly Cow, 38 comments already Liz? You're amazing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the quilt! Are you sure we can just rig who wins and let me have it? LOL Ok....I am entered!

Nora said...

Oh... its beautiful !!!
I would love to win it

Kat said...

Hi I dont know you but your quilt is gorgeous! love to try and win it. Im a new blogger so i will try and figure out how to put your link on my blog. i found you through Becka's blog

Sheers said...

The quilt is beautiful Liz.

Megan C said...

That is one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen! I sure hope that I win!!

The FOUR M's... said...

Awesome! You are so talented... Maybe I should learn to quilt someday.

Amy said...

How beautiful! I am friends with Daria, I saw her posting on this quilt and I would love to win it.
Thanks for the opportunity!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Quilt and love the fall colors!!!! I would LOVE to give it a home! I hope you do very well at quilt market and I love your quilt pattern; it is vintage mixed up with whimsy and new.

Kind wishes,

Anonymous said...

gorgeous quilt, beautiful pattern and beautiful workmanship. Would LOVE to win this, it's amazing and unique.

Jus Shar Designs said...

Count me in!

Alta said...

pick me, pick me. your work so so wonderful and peaceful.

I have so many great ideas for quilts but do not think I could ever make one.

I am latina and very few speak to me. your does. so serene and peaceful.

Mil Gracias

::lindsay said...

I saw this quilt giveaway on Nena's blog. It was just too gorgeous to pass up trying to win it!

Stephanie M Larsen said...

Okay I posted the widget on my regular blog and on my she's crafty. Can't wait to see how many comments you get, it's super fun!

David and Cheryl said...

It's beautiful Liz! You did an amazing job on it! Also, congrats on #4, I hope all goes well. Have a great day!

winipoo jewelry said...

This is the prettiest quilt! I love that it is asymmetrical. Careful... giveaways are addicting! Teehee :-) Thanks for the FUN!

The Boutique Mommy said...

Beautiful! Glad I came across your blog!

I posted this on my blog at http://www.theboutiquemommy.blogspot.com !

Renee G said...

This is absolutely gorgeous. I wish I was this talented.

amador and lisa said...

This quilt is amazing. It is no wonder that Nena has such talented friends, she is a talent herself. Beautiful quilt! What a gift you have!

weeblet said...

That quilt is absolutely gorgeous!! You should be so proud :)

Andrea said...

me me me..... it's beautiful!!! you are so talented!!!!

Daria - Boutique Cafe said...

Woo hoo! I see tons of my Boutique Cafe and Twitter pals joining in and applying for the quilt! :) Thanks for supporting my Liz :)

idahomom said...

My sister is a quilter. I have no artistic talents, but I do respect others talents.

dawns41 said...

That quilt is gorgeous. I love the colors. I love how you showcased it. I hope to win win win.

chromiumman said...

wow - its amazing!

TxBubba said...

"SWEET? I love that quilt! It is fantastic. Hope I win

Anonymous said...

That is just beautiful..

Thanks for the giveaway

rebbi511 at peoplepc.com

Tes283 said...

From one dork to another-I love it. Thank you.


this is so beautiful! what a generous giveaway


blogged about it for 5 extra entries- my first time blogging about a contest so hope I did it right..


malleycc said...

What a beautiful quilt. I would love to win it. I love yellow. Thanks for the chance.

Mrs Nobody said...

How beautiful! Love the unique design and colors.

Beverley said...

It is a beautiful quilt. It will make the fortunate winner very proud indeed.

B said...

Hook me up! I love that quilt. So much I did both things (side bar and blog blip) to have a better chance at winning it for myself. Now I have to go and see where it will look best in my house. Let's see...

Rischel said...


stone's eye view said...

You are so talented and even more generous. I hope the winner is moi, but then again unfortunately for me I must not share your generosity.
I will add it on my blog for sure!

Tonya said...

Wow! That is one beautiful quilt. I really love the color combination. Hope I win!

ikkinlala said...

What a gorgeous quilt!

Kristen said...

I am always amazed at your talent!

Anonymous said...

Your quilt is darling! Congrats and good work on the design. Lindsay (pratt) told me about your blog and the giveaway. Super cute work, have fun in Houston!

Unknown said...

This quilt is absolutely gorgeous! You do amazing work. I would definitely love to be included in this giveaway!

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

Oh I'm totally "nesting" right now with my baby due in a few weeks and this quilt is simply calling my name!!!!

Congrats on the pattern and the debut at quilt market! I"ll be anxious to see this pattern done up in Patty's fabric!

Pick me! Pick me!

PW said...

AMAZING! would love to see more of your work!!!

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

Chalk me up for another 5 points please. I've posted the banner in my sidebar!


Unknown said...

That quilt is lovely! Yellow is my all-time favorite color.

Leslie said...

Very nice! The colors are awesome and the photos with the fall trees are stunning! I love them!

Anonymous said...

This beautiful quilt would look lovely in my living room.

endrase said...

This quilt is fantastic. Thank you for sharing your creativity.

Anonymous said...

Oh! I love quilts! This one is a beauty! I really love the colors! mif1018(at)aol(Dot)com

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful quilt. The colors seem just right for this time of year.

sueb4 said...


TaDa! Creations said...

Your quilt is just overly. Perfect for Fall too! I just blogged about it and added it to my sidebar. Have fun at Market!


Unknown said...

I have been trying to find some harmony in a brown and yellow color scheme in my new house..this beautiful quilt fits the bill. How inspiring! Thank you!

Tina12312 said...

Your quilt is gorgeous and I would love to win it! Thank you so much for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful. I'd be proud to display this quilt in my home.

Rozz said...

Lovely country quilt and to think it could be one of ours. Awesome!

Unknown said...

Great blog and review. I love your prize items. I could use a quilt this winter!

Thanks jas


clynsg said...

That is a lovely quilt--if I win, will have to hide it from my granddaughter--she has a thing about any kind of quilt, blanket, afghan!

clynsg at yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

You should be so proud....this quilt is so beautiful and I would love to display it in my living room!ashlyn@chuparkoff.com

Bebe said...

Hi Elizabeth!
Wow ~ what a lovely quilt and you are so generous to be giving it away to one lucky person!! I've posted about your giveaway and added it to my sidebar, too! This is so much fun.
Hugs, Bebe :)

kygirl said...

That is the prettiest quilt. I would love to win.

poppafarmer said...


Sunnyvale said...

This quilt is so pretty and I love the colors!

redron said...

the quilt is to die for. I really want to win it thanks

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt and such a nice giveaway!
I saw the giveaway on Bebe's peaches~and~dreams site.
I plan on putting your banner on my site bar mainly because it is so doggone cute.
I enjoyed visiting you today and good luck everyone!
Have a great day.

kdkdkd said...

I love that quilt, the colors - the design. It is wonderful, thanks for the chance to win it.

Judy said...

Perfect colors. Thank you for such a beautiful giveaway.

ydsddd said...

Your quilt is lovely; what a talent!Thanks for the contest

Colengal said...

What a great quilt. Im always looking neat patturns out side the box

Anonymous said...

The quilt is lovely and would really brighten up my house! (hint, hint)

jessie1953 at msn

Tisa said...

Beautiful quilt! ~ :) Thanks for having the giveaway!

Jenn S. said...

Your quilt is gorgeous. Yellow and brown are my favorite colors and the design is awesome. I would be in heaven to win this quilt.

Roeckers said...

Beautiful! I am jealous of your talent.
Pick me! Pick me!!!


Liz this quilt is absolutely gorgeous! I am in love! You have a talent for sure! And i love yellow. Me and Russell have a blog now so come check us out. russellestherbeazer.blogspot.com

Ashley Jane Reina said...

liz, I love your page, its beautiful. Hey put me in for the giveaway. Check out my blog....www.ashleyjaneb.blogspot.com

we need to get together


Mary said...

count me in, today is my lucky day. I won a pack of gum at bingo today!

Pocket Full of Prettys said...

Oh my gosh, what a beautiful quilt, love your design, what a generous giveaway. Hugs to you***Renea

mogrill said...

Beautiful stuff! Thank you so much for the chance.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

Wow! You are truly talented. I am definitely not a person who can sew.
This is a truly Gorgeous quilt. And I would love to give it a truly wonderful home.
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.
I would LOVE to win !!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo - look at all the responses you've gotten - congrats! ^_^

Anyway - here's mine - the quilt is gorgeous, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! ^_^

Have added your banner to my sidebar at http://unravelations.wordpress.com/

Be well,

Elizabeth Cranmer said...

I am so completely humbled by the response so far. It means so much to hear such positive feedback! This is really so much fun and makes the giveaway totally worth it! Thank you everyone! Keep sharing the news for those extra entries!

Stephanie M Larsen said...

How fun. I love all the responses you've gotten. I was planning on posting it, and now I have. Can't wait hear the results. I kind of hope it's some really far away like Guam. Wouldn't that just be fun to send it to some random family in Guam.

Erin said...

I think that is one of the most lovely quilts I've ever seen! I'm torn about posting it on my blog: I want the extra entries, but I don't want to tell anyone else! I want it to be my little secret! I suppose the extra entries will win...

Camie Marie said...

This is so beautiful. You have a wonderful gift. Thank You for being so generous!

Think about it said...

Please enter me , thanks :)

janetfaye said...

The Quilt you made is beautiful!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Gumdrop*Shop said...

I adore that quilt- the colors are so yummy- and perfectly matches most of the rooms in my house :) I would love to see picks of your Andulicia one too- since I cant go to the market- PICS please!!!

michelle said...

Oh, it's gorgeous! I love quilts, and I love your color scheme.

sphinx63 said...

The quilt is gorgeous! And it would match my bedroom perfectly! hint, hint... Thanks!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Very nice pattern and oh,so chic colors. Love it..
putting your button on my sidebar!

it gets pretty cold here in Iowa and I would love to snuggle with this beauty!

kathipink said...

the entry may be easy peasy, but that quilt was a work of love and skill.

what a great design!


vboackle said...

my gosh,what a beautiful quilt.how can you part with it?

mumovearls said...

Wowzza- There are a lot of entries! Good Luck to all of you! Congrats Liz this is exciting!-nena

Carli said...

This is such a dang cute quilt. I need to win this. I have the perfect wall for it to go on!

Carli said...

I am so in love with this quilt. I would love to win it, i have the perfect wall for it to go on! Are you going to be selling this pattern? I would love to purchase it if i do not win the quilt itself!

tatertot374 said...

Thank you for having this! These are just so beautiful and unique. Thank you! I would be so proud to win. Thank you!

emilyem said...

Very beautiful. . . I'm always jealous of creative people like you!

Emily W.

Susie said...

heard about it through the great blog vine. Very cute colours and I love the pattern. You are very talented and creative.

Jane O' said...

I am an avid quilter and yellow is my favorite color, but I have never made a yellow quilt! I'd love to win. Your pattern is great! I'm putting your widget in my sidebar and I will mention you in my blog at Thyme for Herbs. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

This quilt is lovely :)

Sara T. said...

What a beautiful quilt! I love the design :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to have this beautiful quilt. You are so nice to give this as a prize.

Sarah said...

very nice quilt, Liz. good luck in houston!

Marilyn said...

I love the colors in your quilt, it is so pretty.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt! Thanks for the giveaway! cardeb2@verizon.net

Stephanie said...

I love this quilt I wish I had the patience to do it!

Sheila said...

Gorgeous quilt. I'm just starting to learn to quilt. It is very overwhelming to me. I'm in awe of you talented people that can make such beautiful things. Hope I win!!!

bfox74 said...

This would look beautiful in my guest room! I love this quilt!!

Stacy said...

Oh my goodness THAT is a lovely quilt! I would love love love to win! I will be sure to make a post on my blog as well as share it on facebook AND tweet about it! :)

Dana said...

So very pretty. I love the yellow and brown. I just posted about it on my blog . . . now I'm assured not to win it. Dangit!

Anita said...

Cute, cute!

Debbie said...

What an amazing quilt!!! I love it!!! You want to give this up? Ok I would love it!!! :) I will post it on my blog!

Anonymous said...

beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!
I love it

Mushyhed said...

What a beautiful quilt! Makes me wish I had a blog so that I can have more chances of winning!

pescbrico said...

This quilt is so goergeous! I would like to win it :) I've put your banner on my blog :)
Thanks for the fun! :)
I can see myself with my new baby to come curled up in it :)

Sarah Pead said...

Oh sign me up! What a gorgeous quilt. You better believe I'm going to post about this on my blog and put the image in my sidebar. You are quite the talented lady, my dear. It's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful quilt! I would love to wrap my daughter up in it!

Jami said...

Your quilt is beautiful!

Nicola said...

beautiful! pick me pick me pick me!


Nicola said...

i posted a link!

Spirited Style said...

Love the colors and those big mod flowers! Off to blog about it. :)

Karen said...

Beautiful quilt! AND... would look great in my house

hennchix said...

Hi! I found you through Carolyn. I love your quilt! It totally matches my front room. I also blogged about it, and put it on my sidebar. Hoping for a big win!!

You can find me at hennchixminutes.blogspot.com.

Swasey family said...

What a Beautiful quilt!!!Hope I win!

Anonymous said...

this is so beautiful and creative!

Sharyn said...

oh! I have to put my name in on this one - yellow is my absolute favorite and the design is just too fun!

tara said...

I love the colors. The pattern is great too. I would definently make one if I had the pattern. Thanks for the giveaway

Valerie said...

Oh, how fun! I would love to win! And how generous of you -- maybe one of these days I'll do something similar. I pasted the button on my sidebar, and I blogged about it as well:


Thanks for hosting such an amazing giveaway!

~Caroline~ said...

Congratulations on a great first quilt! I love your color choices and it is beautiful!

I am putting your button on my sight and adding a post about this on my blog (scheduled to post 10/14)


Anonymous said...

LOVE the quilt! I hope I win!

Stephanie said...

Beautiful quilt! This is very unique, I love your design. I never win these things, but thought I'd give it a try, since I really love this quilt.

~Michelle~ said...

You are lovely - came over from Old Red Barn Co. This is a beautiful quilt! I did a blog post + banner on the side. :)

audreypawdrey said...

That is beautiful! Thank you for your generosity and good luck at quilt market!.:)

hennchix said...

That is a very nice quilt that will look great in my front room!! I get points for blogging and adding the banner to my side bar! Here's hoping I win. You can check me out at www.hennchixminutes.blogspot.com.

Heather and Nick said...

I ran across your blog looking for fun quilting ideas. What a wonderful quilt, you are very talented!

Samantha said...

Gorgeous quilt! I love the fall colors.

Jinii said...

I love the quilt! Such talent. I put a blurb on my blog and the thing on my side bar.

Anonymous said...

Okay Elizabeth, go check this one out!


I did my best to make a blog ( a total disaster!, but i tried!) and I cannot for the life of me get it to accept the whole cut-and-paste thingy that you put up- I tried to copy the LizzyAnne Design thing, and then the cut and paste thingy, then to copy the WHOLE blog in....to no avail. I remain technologically challenged, but the attempt was made amidst the pit take down earning what? so ya know iluvyaBbabyGirl!

LeeAnn said...

WOWZERS! I came on over from Old Red Barn Co. What an amazing quilt! I will snuggle with that quilt every cold evening this winter if I am so lucky to win it!

Unknown said...

Wow! I love your quilt! I would love to win it. Being that you are Canadian and all makes it that much better. I am Canadian too. I don't live there any more but my relatives do. It is beautiful there. YOur quilt is amazing. I will post it proudly on my blog as well as my side bar. Hope I win.


Amanda said...

pick me, pick me!

Melissa said...

That is a gorgeous quilt! Please enter me. I will post and put the banner on my blog!

Nanna said...

Oh what a pretty quilt! Beautiful colors! I hope I win!

Rosie and Derek said...

What a beautiful quilt!! Hope I win! I'm posting your banner on my sidebar too. Thanks for the chance!

Leslie said...

This is an amazing quilt. The pattern is really wonderful. I posted about it on my blog and added to my sidebar. Here's hoping!

Carol said...

Your quilt is gorgeous -- I sure would be delighted to win it!

MegN said...

Just beautiful! Such a generous giveaway!! I have posted to my blog & side bar!!! Meg

a/k/a Nadine said...

What a gorgeous quilt. I've been wanting a quilt forever, and this would be perfect!

I'll be sure to mention the giveaway on my blog. :-)

Michele P. said...

What a nice quilt! And I love the original pattern that you did, great use of design! Thanks for offering up this very generous giveaway, please count me in too!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Jessica said...

That quilt is absolutely amazing!!!! I'm so glad I found my way over to your blog!! Now, off to read more!

Unknown said...

It's beautiful, and I have my fingers crossed

Kelly G. said...

That is just lovely!

Brooke said...

You are such a sweet lady for having such a wonderful giveaway! I just love the colors, the pattern and everything about it! Please count me in I just posted a blog about it and also a banner to my sidebar! Thanks so very much and have a lovely night.
;-) Brooke

Unknown said...

That is the cutest quilt!!!!

And it is to be noted I put your banner up on my blog!

Anonymous said...

What fun! It's so pretty!! Thanks for the opportunity to win it!

Robin said...

It's to die for! Pick my name please!

I put your banner on my blog too.

KZK said...

That is SO beautiful and would look SO at home here in Kansas! :)
I'll put a post up tomorrow - and will put your banner in the sidebar! Thank you SO much for a great opportunity!
My dogs' blog gets more traffic, but it seems more sane to post it on mine. :)

TMC said...

It'd be awesome to be wrapped in such sunshine through the cold winter months.

I've put the badge and a post at my blog. :)

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely gorgeous!! Be prepared for lots of emails :-)
I just did a post on it on my blog and put it on my sidebar - the pattern is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

WOW~! PLEASE, Please, pretty please!

Blogged & at home in my side bar!!!

The Wooden Spool said...

Wow, what a lovely quilt....so Fallish, so rustic! You do such fantastic work!

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