Howarth Family! Boy were you trooper's! We took pictures in gusting winds and just as we finished it started to rain and howl! I'm glad we hung in there to get these great shots. I'm still feeling pretty special that Remi warmed up to me the way she did, what a cutie!! And Caden's intense smile had me feeling happy as I edited your pics. Enjoy your peek!

Liz, I LOVE THEM! Thanks so much for a sneak peak... I can't wait to see the rest. You did such a great job! Thanks again!
LOVE the first and last one especially!
Liz amazing as usual. You give me so much inspiration, and I love that you use things that are not traditional places to do your photos!
Super cute Liz. See you today.
wowsa' liz, i just found your blog through chelsey's photo shoot post. i didn't know you were a photographer! oh the things you can do with about a dozen years or so!
what else is new with you?? hope you don't mind me stopping by!
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