I have looked at my life the last little while and decided that it is too full! THINGS seem to be ruling my time. So I am down sizing. This is one of the ways, I'll post about out other changes later, oh and those quilts I promised.... later.
Anyways, these bins. They are full of clothes. My children's clothing. Clothing that has been outgrown mainly by my daughter Vienna, and some by Felix. There is also what may seem like a sickening amount of shoes, but I kinda have a major shoe thing for my babies! I have outer wear, I also have a made by me cowboy crib skirt. There is a toddler bed rail, a baby monitor, a boppy nursing pillow, never used.
Well I would like to give it to anyone who needs it or wants it for FREE!!!!
If you don't know where I live already then e-mail me and I will get you my address. See sidebar for said e-mail.
Come to my house ANYTIME on Wed March 2nd from 9am - 9pm. Just drop on in! Bring a couple bags for your loot.
This is open to you, or your family and friends if you know of someone that would be interested.

I am hoping to feel many pounds lighter after this whole thing! So please help me accomplish just that! Oh and I'll remind you how cute my children are dressed......