
My Parents - Portrait

These are my parents. They were recently called to serve in the new Calgary Temple, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Find more information HERE. In the Temple all the workers wear white, from head to toe. It's so pure and simple. My Mom happens to think that my Dad is handsome in his white suit and likewise my Dad of my Mom in her white dress. At my Dad's request we took some pictures for my Mom. Since it was such a great idea I weedled my Mom into the same style photo shoot with the dress she has worn since they were newlyweds, without my Dad knowing. Christmas Day it was so fun to see them surprise each other with the same gift!
I love these two individuals so much. I've always loved them. I love them so much more as MY parents, now that I have children of my own. I get why they didn't parent us equally, but instead they parented us fairly, to each of our needs. They have been so wise, and continue to be. I love these faces.
I must also add, how much I love having my loved ones in front of my lens. I love to take my time, more then I usually do, and really get it right. This is why I love photography. Capturing the expressions that call back moments in time, evoke feelings of love and remembrance. I am so grateful that my family appreciates me and allows me to photograph them. It really is so selfish on my part. This is what I love. Thank you for letting me grow and learn.

Love You,


Conor said...

These are great Liz! Those are definitely our folks, you captured them really well. Thanks for sharing!

Maja said...

These are spectacular Liz!! And could your parents look any younger?! I mean - good grief! I think I look older than your mom!!! And your dad and Nathan look like they could be brothers. You mom - and Catherine-Nicole sisters. It is crazy. Beautiful work.

Libby said...

I love your parents too...in a very different way though!
Wow, your mom still fits her original dress...even I can't say that!
What beautiful photos you have for your prosperity to treasure.

Daria - Boutique Cafe said...

Liz these are so beautiful! I keep coming back over and over again to see them. Love them both so much!

Alanna said...

Oh, so nice to see those faces! I think your mom looks SO young... like maybe even younger than I remember her. So nice.

Thistledew Farm said...

So pretty.