This little guy is only 3 DAYS old!! This is Ken't cousin, his wife and their newest addition HUNTER. I can't get over all that blonde hair, his sheer tiny-ness, and how relaxed this little guy was for us. You guys waiting so long for this little guy and boy was he worth it! He is a beautiful baby!! Enjoy your peek, more to come.... Thanks for the newborn 'fix' I needed that!

Oh he's soooooo cute! You're such a good newborn baby photographer. I wish you could've taken newborn photos of Holly.
Oh, my goodness! Too much cuteness in one little package! I just can't get over it! You really are a very talented photographer, you know!
Please, if you have a minute, stop by and enter my giveaway. Thanks!
These are great shots Liz and what a cute little bundle. Aunt Bunny
Okay, so I want to have another baby just so you can take its pictures....
Oh my! I think these may be my favorite pictures ever...and I have pretty much no connection to this little guy. WOW! You've got a gift!
Thanks so much for the sneak peek, can't wait to see the rest. Thanks and hope to see you at christmas.
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