Evan is turning into my very big boy! Everything these days is "I do it myself" I have been enjoying this new found self assurance that he has. Evan has a very independent spirit and always has, but now he is really challenging himself. I especially love that he is trying new things, mostly because when he can't do it he admits " I can't do it myself" He says it with such optimism, like he knows that i can for sure help him if he can't succeed. There is something satisfying about knowing that your little 3 year old has the utmost faith in you. Evan is also displaying his big kid self with a very active imagination these days, such as the "big big dinosaur, with big feet" that apperently lives under his bed. I am still trying to figure out how to deal with that one! But none the less the internet assures me that it is a very good sign of his development, so i guess, bring it on!
"I do it myself!"
Evan is turning into my very big boy! Everything these days is "I do it myself" I have been enjoying this new found self assurance that he has. Evan has a very independent spirit and always has, but now he is really challenging himself. I especially love that he is trying new things, mostly because when he can't do it he admits " I can't do it myself" He says it with such optimism, like he knows that i can for sure help him if he can't succeed. There is something satisfying about knowing that your little 3 year old has the utmost faith in you. Evan is also displaying his big kid self with a very active imagination these days, such as the "big big dinosaur, with big feet" that apperently lives under his bed. I am still trying to figure out how to deal with that one! But none the less the internet assures me that it is a very good sign of his development, so i guess, bring it on!
You and me Babe!

Last night was Kent and I's weekly date night! I so look forward to these every week, and not just as a break from the kids, becasue I actually do really love to try adn spend as much time as a family as possible. kent will attest to that. But because after an hour or so into our date i start to remmeber what it was like when it was just the two of us and we start to reconnect. I love my husband soooo much and he makes me laugh, alot lately, and he always just knows what to do with me, even pregnant and a little off the wall. I guess i am just so thankful to my family that helps us witht he kids so that we can rejuvinate our relationship every week and really continue to get to know eachother. Learning about kent and what makes him him is truly the highlight of my week. i know this is all sappy but i don't say it enough.
Time to Change
Apperently it's time to change the kids schedule! Evan and especially Vienna have both been falling asleep on me before i can even get lunch into them! i almost did it today, but as you can see they fell asleep mid eating. I mean don't get me wrong it's nice to have kids that "take care" of themselves, but it messes with my schedule. So I guess since this is the like 7th time they have done this to me i should probably evaluate their nap time. Really my perfect solution would be to have them sleep in in the morning longer, thus puting their nap back on track. Fat Chance!! These two are bound and determined no matter how late they go to bed ( Vienna 2 am last night) to get up at 6 in the very way to early morning. i know I should be use to it by now but it still feels early! If someone could just explain all of that to them that would be great!
Birthday's are fun afterall!

So the last 2 years of birthday parties for Evan and Vienna have felt like they were for me more then them. I mean I am sure that they enjoyed thier past birthday's but really only as much as infants can! But!!!! This year, this year was different! I ahd so much fun doing htis party for Evan. He is officially three and totally into his Dad's Cat brand skidsteer (bobcat) and so we went with that as our theme. The poor kid was so sick the day before and the day of his birthday, but when the decorations starting going up a whole different story. I came home with helium baloons and the eye's lit up! Then kent blew up the rest of the balloons with his air compressor ( men and tools), there was both fear and delight! Streamers and a special hard hat and this kid was over the moon! Evan was so good when each of the cousins arrived and gave them their party favour with great pride!
But it only got better there was a CAT cake that i didn't have to make!! My Mom did an amazing job at making this cat cake for evana nd if you could have seen Evan's face! He was so so so happy! he really hasn't wanted to eat anything else but cat cake since! Thanks Mom!!!
Anyways at the end of present opening anf cake and everything i felt like i had done him good! it is so much more fun when they get it! Happy birthday Evan!! I love you!
Vienna is almost old enough to go to nursery!!! And boy is she ready! I can't wait for her to get to use her independence. This little girl of ours is definitely that, amongst other things. Vienna is as we say a bucket of sass!! She is sweet and cuddly and so smart and uses all of that to sometimes give us a pretty good scolding! Vienna's favorites at the moment are "no way!" "stop it!" " let go!" " what?" and " Hey!" with attitude you wouldn't believe!
Luckily she is also sweet and loves to play "get you!" as she says and sing and gives the cutest kisses and hugs. This is our little Vienna outside on the front steps. She can't get enough of the outside these days!
Clingy clingy!
So Evan and Vienna have been getting clingier by the minute. Do they actually know that this baby is goign to take up time and are so in countering trying to take all of Kent and I's time now?! Who know's what is in thier darling minds. It's been sweet at times to have them want us so much and it has been very trying at times!! Evan begs literally with arms wrapped around whatever body part is closest for us (mostly kent becasue he goes places) not to leave. Vienna on the other hand is in tears at the sight of a PICTURe of her daddy these days! They must love us so much to cling as tight as they do.
Starting to blog again
So I want to start blogging again, I think. but I hate this template and I want to like my template or I'll never be inspired to write anything. Dad I'm calling on you!
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