
SOOOO mad!

So Vienna today has apperently decided to express her true feelings. i guess she is catching onto her emotions a bit. This afternoon i wouldn't give her more juice and so she turns to me and with only the attitude of Vienna says " I's so mad at you mommy!" And it totally hit me and hurt my feelings. Then i realized she got it from me! When i am really upset with the kids for hurting one another in a major way or they have just crushed doritos into my carpet I say " I am so mad at you" well that hasn't happened in a long while apperently it has stuck with her. Oops! Watching what I say more carefully. She also proceeded to say that same phrase the rest of the day over and over again and started to say it to her cousin Talon. I drew a line. She cannot say that to other kids! Their poor little hearts will get broken. So here's hopin we can get that one out of the vocab soon!


Katie said...

Holy Sassy-Pants Vienna! That's one way to vent...

Daria - Boutique Cafe said...

HAHAHA!! Awesome. It must be the "Cranmer" genes Liz because you're always so mellow. LOL!! Gotta love that kid!